Health and Medications
Children who are ill should not be sent to school. A child that has had a fever should stay home until he/she is fever free for 24 hours. Your child will be sent home from school if he/she has a fever of 100 degrees or more, has vomited while at school or has a contagious disease such as pink eye. It is very important for the school to have current emergency information with a list of phone numbers or adults who can come for your sick or injured student. Please let the school office know if your child has contacted a contagious medical condition such as measles, chicken pox, a rash, head lice, etc. so that appropriate precautionary measures can be taken.
If your child is required to take medication, a doctor’s written order must be on file in the health office. A form is available from the school office. Medication is kept in the health office and is dispensed by the health assistant, nurse, or other trained personnel.
At no time should medication, including over-the-counter brands, be in the possession of students while on the playground or in class, unless written direction from a physician is on file in the health office reflecting medical need. Over-the-counter medications include but are not limited to the following: Tylenol, cough drops, eye drops ibuprofen, etc.
All medication must be brought directly to the office by the parent/guardian first thing in the morning. Please remind your children that they share in the responsibility for remembering when they need to come to the health office for their medication.