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Welcome to the ILC Library. I am excited to be the Library Media Assistant here at ILC. I love books, and I believe the ability to read is one of the most important skills your student will learn in school. Like all skills, learning to read takes practice. The ILC Library has a wide variety of books in fiction and non-fiction for students to borrow in order to practice their reading skills and for information and enjoyment. We also have a growing selection of Spanish books for our Dual Language classes to borrow.

Many classes have weekly scheduled visits to the Library, in addition, students may come during daily open Library times to exchange books. Students in grades K-2 typically participate in read-aloud story times that introduce them to fiction/nonfiction, literary genres, authors, parts of a book and basic knowledge of library organization. Students in grades 3-6 typically work independently to choose books that interest them or might help them with school projects.

This year there have been an unusually high number of lost or damaged books, so I would like to review the Library rules and tips to ensure the books will be able to be enjoyed by all.

  • The care and responsibility of returning borrowed Library books are yours and your student’s. Please keep books away from pets, food, liquids and younger siblings, and make sure hands are clean and pages are not folded – use a bookmark. It’s helpful to find a regular place to keep Library books so that they will not get lost or damaged.
  • Library books may be kept for one week. A book may be renewed (checked out again) if the student is not finished reading it. The book must be present to renew it. An overdue (late) book means a student cannot borrow another book until the book is either returned or renewed.
    • Kindergarten students are allowed to check out one book at a time.
    • Grades 1-6 are allowed to check out two books at a time.
  • Any book damage should be reported to the Library as soon as possible so I can attempt repairs.
  • Lost books or books that cannot be repaired will either need to be paid for or replaced before your student will be allowed to check out another book. 

You can help your student improve their reading skills by reading to or with him/her, asking questions about the story, and encouraging your student to spend time reading at home every day. I look forward to working with your student and hope he/she will read and enjoy many books and grow in reading skills while attending ILC.

Librarian  Media Assistant