PBIS Information
Click here for a printable version of the chart below.
Intensive Learning Center
Show Kindness
Own Your Behavior
Act Responsibly
Ready to Learn
Use Quite Voices Wait for your turn Respect others' ideas and opinions
Keep your hands and feet to yourself Walk to and from the classroom Allow teammates to share ideas when collaborating
Take care of your belongings Return borrowed items to their appropriate place Listen when others are speaking
Follow teacher directions Have appropriate learning materials ready and organized
Respect others' privacy Use quite voices
Flush toilet after use Wash hands with soap and water Keep floors dry
Use supplies appropriately Place paper towels in trash can Report any problem to an adult
Return to classroom promptly Use bathroom before school and during recess
Wait patiently in line Use good manners Use kind words
Use quiet voices Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Eat only your own food Walkd
Clean up after yourself Follow directions the first time Gather utensils & condiments when first going through the line Stay at assigned table
Focus on eating your lunch Raise hand if you need help
Electronic Devices
Respect others' privacy Use quiet voices
Access your files and access numbers only Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Keep desktops and settings as set
Access your files and access numbers only Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Keep desktops and settings as set
Follow directions Stay on task Sit at assigned computer
Arrival/Departure Car Line
Enter/leave in an orderly manner Wait patiently in line Watch your car
Use quiet voices Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
Follow directions Go directly home Walk on sidewalks and cross at crosswalks
Be on time Bring appropriate learning materials and homework
Walk silently Allow others to pass
Use quiet voices Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Eyes forward
Stay in a straight line with appropriate spacing Stay in given line order
Return promptly to class
Use kind words Take turns and follow playground rules Include others
Respect personal space Use equipment appropriately Eat only in designated areas
Follow adult directions Return playground equipment Throw trash in trash can
Use bathroom Line up quickly and quietly Drink water |